Where to eat Where to sleep
Restaurante - Marisqueira Caravela
(0%) (0%)
Restaurante Os Oliveiras
(0%) (0%)
Café Snack - Bar Restaurante O Mangueiras
(0%) (0%)
Restaurante Snack - Bar H2O
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Porta 86
(0%) (0%)
Casa Nana
(0%) (0%)
Parque Municipal da Praia da Tocha
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Albergaria Arcada
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Nightlife Culture
Piazzolla Caffé-Bar
(100%) (0%)
Rex Bowling
(0%) (100%)
Bar Pravda
(0%) (0%)
O Charco Bar
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Sports and adventure Utilities
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Onda Azul
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(0%) (0%)
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